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Career Guide
Top 20 Interview Questions (With Sample Answers)
Top 20 Interview Questions (With Sample Answers)
By Indeed Editorial Team

Updated May 3, 2022

Published June 9, 2021

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Video: Top 5 Questions To Ask in an Interview

Wondering what questions to ask in your interview? Rhea, an operations specialist for UShip, shares her strategy and tips that helped her get the job.

When preparing for your next interview, there are some general interview questions most employers ask. These are questions that help them determine if you have the right skills, background and personality for their open role. By creating responses to common interview questions, you can show that you're a qualified and prepared candidate and increase your chances of getting a job offer. In this article, we share the top 20 interview questions that hiring managers ask along with tips and examples to help you effectively answer many of them.

Related: How To Ace Your Next Interview: Tips and Examples
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Why is it important to prepare for the top 20 interview questions?
Preparing for the top 20 interview questions hiring managers ask is an important part of making a good impression. By having responses ready for these common interview questions, you can show that you're a confident and capable candidate. When you give thoughtful responses that showcase your relevant skills and experiences, your interview may stand out to hiring managers. The goal of your interview is to connect with your interviewer, showing them you're the right fit for their position.

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Top 10 interview questions
Here are half of the top 20 interview questions with sample answers to help you prepare your own:

1. Why are you interested in our company?
Hiring managers ask this question to see if you've done some research before your interview. You want to share several things you admire about their company when answering this question. Before your interview, look through the company's website and social media pages. You may even find online reviews or news articles that can help you learn more.

Example: "I'm interested in working for your company because of how innovative it is. I recently saw that your engineering team is working with the government to develop a more eco-friendly way to recycle plastic. As someone who cares a lot about the environment, I would love to work on a team that's creating more sustainable practices."

2. Can you share a little about yourself?
This question helps hiring managers learn more about your personality. Along with giving them an overview of your career, talk about some of your other interests or hobbies outside of work. Show that you're a well-rounded person, discussing some of your passions.

Example: "Of course. I grew up on a horse farm in Montana, helping my family tend to over 20 horses at a time. Growing up with animals around me is what inspired me to become a vet technician. I've been in this career for the past five years, treating mostly cats and dogs, though I have experience with other pets. When I'm not caring for animals, I enjoy playing hockey with some of my old teammates. We meet up once a week at our local gym to play. Some of my other interests include hiking, mountain biking and wildlife photography."

Related: Top 10 Personal Interview Questions and Tips for Answering Them
3. What got you into this career?
Hiring managers might ask this question if they're curious about your background. Learning about a candidate's reason for getting into their career gives hiring managers more insight into their passions and personality. In your answer, give an overview of what inspired you to pursue your career. Try to reflect on some positive experiences as you were getting started.

Example: "Ever since I was a child, I have been interested in science. My dad used to buy me chemistry kits to play with because I had little interest in conventional toys. As I got older, I took advanced chemistry and biology classes in high school. It was an easy choice for me to major in chemistry when I got to college. As I explored the field, I knew research was the right career path for me."

Related: 21 Job Interview Tips: How To Make a Great Impression
4. What are your strengths?
Learning your strengths can help a hiring manager envision what kind of value you might bring to their team. When deciding what strengths to share, read through the job description to see what skills the company wants to see in a candidate. Tailoring your answer to the role can help you stand out among other candidates.

Example: "One of my strengths is my communication skills. Along with being able to convey my own ideas, I am a skilled listener. I show others I value what they have to say and add to the conversation. Another strength of mine is my organizational skills. I am good at keeping all my tasks in order, and I enjoy developing streamlined systems to prioritize my work."

5. What are your weaknesses?
Hiring managers might ask this question to learn what skills you need to improve. When sharing your weakness, choose a skill or trait that won't affect your ability to do your job. Show hiring managers that you already have a plan to work on your weakness.

Example: "One of my weaknesses is managing a work-life balance. I am someone who leaves my work notifications on after work, making myself available during my personal time. It's my goal to create some boundaries between my personal and work life so that I can feel more recharged when I start my workday. Another weakness is taking on too much work. It's my goal to make sure I prioritize my tasks before offering to help my colleagues."

6. Tell me about a challenge you experienced in your previous role.
This interview question helps hiring managers assess your problem-solving skills. Use the STAR method to help you explain a time you overcame a challenge. This means that you explain the situation, what tasks you needed to complete, the actions you took and the results of those actions.

Example: "When I was a team leader, one of my engineering interns was finding it challenging to get all of his work done on time. My manager told me that I needed to help my intern better manage his work. I had a performance review with my intern, helping him identify his strengths and weaknesses. We set up some goals for him, along with a performance plan. After two weeks, his performance was where it needed to be."

7. Do you have leadership experience?
When applying for managerial or supervisor roles, a hiring manager may ask you this question. In your answer, outline your top leadership experiences. Even if you haven't had a leadership role, you can discuss times you acted as a leader.

Example: "Yes. At my last company, I was in charge of training all the new interns. I was responsible for setting up their training program and developing materials to help them understand their roles. Helping them feel welcome was a big part of my role, which is why I created a mentorship program. This helped the interns get to know full-time employees and get valuable advice."

8. How do you stay organized?
This question helps hiring managers learn about any processes or tools you use to stay organized. In your answer, give them an overview of what strategies help you keep your work in order. Whether it be a digital planner or sticky notes, show your process works.

Example: "My digital planner helps me stay organized. Each morning, I look through my planner, updating it based on my priorities for the day. It has all kinds of helpful features, such as event reminders and color-coding. I can also sync my work calendars to it, helping me stay organized wherever I am."

9. How do you keep up with industry trends?
Staying up to date with industry trends is important for many roles. Hiring managers want to ensure you are helping their company stay current with the market. In your answer, discuss which industry publications or forums you follow.

Example: "Every morning, I read Marketing Buzz to learn about the latest news in the industry. I enjoy seeing what other brands are doing and what tools they are using. I also follow several marketing forums to see what people in the industry are saying. For instance, I recently learned that more brands are using guerilla marketing to reach their audience."

10. Why is effective communication important?
Many roles require you to communicate with team members or clients. This interview question gives you the opportunity to show you're an effective communicator. Explain that communication is an essential part of teamwork and collaboration.

Example: "Effective communication is important because it helps teams collaborate with one another. With communication, everyone can have a mutual understanding of their expectations and roles within a project. By regularly communicating with one another, the team can ensure they're on task and able to deliver on time."

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Additional interview questions
Here are the rest of the top 20 interview questions hiring managers might ask:

Tell me about a time you worked with a difficult coworker.
How do you stay motivated?
What skills are you hoping to develop?
Why are you looking for a new role?
How do you manage your stress levels?
Where do you hope to see yourself in five years?
What are some of your current goals?
What value can you add to our team?
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Can you get along well with others?
by Earnings: 2.48 Usd (2,411 points)

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